**Do Casinos Pump Oxygen to Keep You Awake?** ## **The Truth About Casino Oxygen** There is a long-standing rumor that casinos pump oxygen into their gaming floors in order to keep people awake and gambling longer. While this rumor has been circulating for decades, there is no scientific evidence to support it. In fact, a study by the University of Nevada Las Vegas found that there is no difference in the oxygen levels in casinos compared to other public places. ### **Why Do People Think Casinos Pump Oxygen?** There are a few reasons why people might believe that casinos pump oxygen into their gaming floors. * **The casino environment can be stimulating.** The bright lights, loud music, and excitement of gambling can all make people feel more awake. * **Casinos want to keep people gambling.** The longer people stay in the casino, the more money they are likely to spend.…

**Do Casinos Pump Oxygen Into the Air?** ## **What is the purpose of oxygen in casinos?** Casinos are known for their bright lights, loud music, and bustling crowds. But what many people don't know is that casinos also pump oxygen into the air. This is done for a number of reasons, including: * **To improve air quality.** The air in casinos can become stale and stuffy, especially on busy days. By pumping oxygen into the air, casinos can help to improve air quality and make it more comfortable for guests to breathe. * **To reduce fatigue.** Oxygen is essential for the body's cells to function properly. When people are exposed to low levels of oxygen, they can experience fatigue, headaches, and difficulty concentrating. By pumping oxygen into the air, casinos can help to reduce fatigue and keep guests feeling alert and energized. * **To improve mood.** Oxygen has been shown…