Does 4 Loko Expire

Discover whether 4 Loko expires and how to identify signs of spoilage. Learn how proper storage can extend its shelf life. Stay safe and avoid health problems by following these essential tips.

**Does 4 Loko Expire?** ### The short answer is yes, 4 Loko does expire. However, the expiration date is not as important as it is for other types of alcoholic beverages. This is because 4 Loko is a malt beverage, which means that it is made with a combination of malt and alcohol. Malt beverages are less susceptible to spoilage than other types of alcoholic beverages, such as beer or wine, because the malt helps to protect the alcohol from oxidation. ### The expiration date on a can of 4 Loko is typically about one year from the date of manufacture. However, 4 Loko can still be safe to drink after the expiration date, as long as it has been stored properly. 4 Loko should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. If 4 Loko is not stored properly, it can develop a sour taste and…