Frank Cullotta Casino Scene | May 2024 Update

Frank Cullotta Casino Scene

Frank Cullotta’s Role in the Casino

Frank Cullotta was a Chicago mobster who was involved in the Las Vegas casino scene in the 1970s and 1980s. He was a close associate of Frank Rosenthal, the former manager of the Stardust Resort and Casino. Cullotta was also involved in the infamous 1979 Las Vegas skimming scandal, in which millions of dollars were stolen from the Stardust.

Cullotta’s Early Life

Cullotta was born in Chicago in 1947. He grew up in a rough neighborhood and was involved in petty crime from a young age. In the early 1960s, he joined the Chicago Outfit, a powerful organized crime syndicate.

Cullotta’s Involvement in the Casino Scene

In the 1970s, Cullotta was sent to Las Vegas to work for Frank Rosenthal, the manager of the Stardust Resort and Casino. Cullotta was responsible for collecting protection money from the casino’s employees and ensuring that the casino’s operations ran smoothly.

Cullotta was also involved in the 1979 Las Vegas skimming scandal. In this scandal, millions of dollars were stolen from the Stardust by skimming cash from the casino’s slot machines. Cullotta was one of the main suspects in the scandal, but he was never charged.

Cullotta’s Later Life

In the 1980s, Cullotta left Las Vegas and returned to Chicago. He continued to be involved in organized crime, but he was eventually arrested and convicted of several crimes. He served time in prison and was released in 2003.

Cullotta has since written a book about his life, titled “The Goodfella’s Guide to Las Vegas.” He has also appeared in several documentaries about organized crime.


Frank Cullotta was a colorful and controversial figure who played a significant role in the Las Vegas casino scene. His story is a fascinating look at the dark side of Las Vegas’s history.

Related Keywords:

  • Frank Cullotta
  • Las Vegas
  • Casino
  • Organized Crime
  • Frank Rosenthal
  • Stardust Resort and Casino
  • Las Vegas skimming scandal
  • The Goodfella’s Guide to Las Vegas

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frank cullotta casino scene