Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring | June 2024 Update

Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring

What are Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring?

Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring is a problem that many players have encountered when trying to play the popular video game Elden Ring. The game allows players to create multiple characters, but each character can only have a limited number of slots. This can be a problem for players who want to try out different builds or who want to have multiple characters for different purposes.

What are the causes of Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring?

There are a few reasons why players may experience Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring.

  • The game has a limited number of slots. Elden Ring allows players to create up to 10 characters, but each character can only have a limited number of slots. This means that players who want to create multiple characters for different purposes may quickly run out of slots.
  • Players may delete characters without realizing it. When players delete a character, they are not given a warning that they will lose all of the items that the character was holding. This means that players who accidentally delete a character may lose valuable items that they cannot get back.
  • Players may have their characters corrupted. If a player’s character becomes corrupted, they may lose all of the items that the character was holding. This can happen if the player’s game crashes or if the player’s console or PC crashes.

How can I fix Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring?

There are a few things that players can do to fix Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring.

  • Create fewer characters. If players are only planning on playing one or two characters, they can avoid the problem of Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring by simply creating fewer characters.
  • Be careful not to delete characters. Players should be careful not to delete characters accidentally. If they do delete a character, they should contact Bandai Namco support to see if they can get the character restored.
  • Back up your saves. Players should back up their saves regularly in case their characters become corrupted. This will help them to restore their characters if they lose them.


Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring is a problem that can be frustrating for players. However, there are a few things that players can do to fix the problem. By creating fewer characters, being careful not to delete characters accidentally, and backing up their saves, players can avoid the problem of Insufficient Free Slots Elden Ring.

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