Hogwarts Legacy Character Slots | May 2024 Update

Hogwarts Legacy Character Slots: What You Need to Know

What are Hogwarts Legacy character slots?

Hogwarts Legacy is an upcoming action role-playing video game developed by Avalanche Software and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. The game is set in the Harry Potter universe and takes place in the 1800s, before the events of the original books and films. Players will create their own character and attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where they will learn spells, explore the castle, and complete quests.

One of the key features of Hogwarts Legacy is the character creation system. Players will be able to choose their character’s appearance, gender, and house, as well as their magical abilities. They will also be able to choose their character’s starting class, which will determine their primary skillset.

How many character slots are there in Hogwarts Legacy?

At launch, Hogwarts Legacy will have a total of eight character slots. This means that players will be able to create up to eight different characters, each with their own unique appearance, abilities, and class. Players will be able to switch between their different characters at any time, and they will be able to progress through the game with each character individually.

How do character slots work in Hogwarts Legacy?

Character slots in Hogwarts Legacy work in a similar way to character slots in other role-playing games. Players can create a new character and start a new game with that character. They can then switch to a different character at any time, and they will be able to continue their progress with that character.

Players can also delete characters that they no longer want to use. This will free up a character slot so that they can create a new character.

What are the benefits of having multiple character slots in Hogwarts Legacy?

There are a number of benefits to having multiple character slots in Hogwarts Legacy. These include:

  • The ability to play different characters with different playstyles. Players can create a character that specializes in magic, a character that specializes in combat, or a character that specializes in stealth. They can also create a character that is a mix of all three playstyles.

  • The ability to experience the game from different perspectives. Players can create a character that is a Gryffindor, a Hufflepuff, a Ravenclaw, or a Slytherin. They can also create a character that is a muggle-born, a half-blood, or a pure-blood.

  • The ability to replay the game multiple times. Players can replay the game with different characters and make different choices, which will lead to different outcomes. This can give players a deeper understanding of the game’s story and characters.

    How to create a character in Hogwarts Legacy

    To create a character in Hogwarts Legacy, players will need to follow these steps:

    1. Choose your character’s appearance. This includes their gender, skin tone, hair color, eye color, and facial features.

    2. Choose your character’s house. This will determine their primary skillset and the other students they will interact with.

    3. Choose your character’s starting class. This will determine their primary magical abilities.

    4. Name your character.

    Once you have created your character, you will be able to start the game.


    Character slots are a valuable feature in Hogwarts Legacy. They allow players to create multiple characters, each with their own unique appearance, abilities, and class. This gives players the freedom to play the game in different ways and experience the story from different perspectives.

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Create multiple unique characters with their own appearance, abilities, and class in Hogwarts Legacy. Discover the freedom to play the game in different ways and experience the story from various perspectives with the eight character slots available.

