Sic Code 5047 | June 2024 Update

SIC Code 5047: Gambling or Casino

What is SIC Code 5047?

SIC Code 5047 is the Standard Industrial Classification code for gambling or casino. It is used by the United States government to classify businesses for statistical purposes. Businesses that are classified under SIC Code 5047 include casinos, racetracks, and other gambling establishments.

How to Find Your SIC Code

If you are a business owner, you can find your SIC code by using the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The NAICS is a system that classifies businesses into industries for statistical purposes. You can find your NAICS code by visiting the NAICS website. Once you have your NAICS code, you can look up the corresponding SIC code by using the table below.

713210 5047
713220 5047
713230 5047
713290 5047

What Does SIC Code 5047 Include?

SIC Code 5047 includes a wide range of businesses that are involved in gambling or casino operations. Some of the most common types of businesses that are classified under this code include:

  • Casinos
  • Racetracks
  • Bingo halls
  • Cardrooms
  • Sports betting operations
  • Lotteries
  • Other gambling establishments

    What Are the Requirements for SIC Code 5047?

    There are no specific requirements for businesses that are classified under SIC Code 5047. However, all businesses that are involved in gambling or casino operations must comply with the laws and regulations that govern their industry. These laws and regulations vary from state to state, so it is important for businesses to be aware of the specific requirements that apply to them.

    What Are the Benefits of SIC Code 5047?

    There are a number of benefits to being classified under SIC Code 5047. These benefits include:

  • Increased visibility: Being classified under SIC Code 5047 can help businesses to increase their visibility in the marketplace. This is because SIC codes are used by businesses, government agencies, and other organizations to classify businesses for statistical purposes.
  • Improved access to funding: Businesses that are classified under SIC Code 5047 may be eligible for government funding programs that are specifically designed to support businesses in the gambling or casino industry.
  • Enhanced credibility: Being classified under SIC Code 5047 can help businesses to enhance their credibility in the marketplace. This is because SIC codes are used by businesses, government agencies, and other organizations to classify businesses for statistical purposes.

    What Are the Challenges of SIC Code 5047?

    There are a few challenges that businesses that are classified under SIC Code 5047 may face. These challenges include:

  • Increased regulation: Businesses that are involved in gambling or casino operations are subject to a high level of regulation. This can make it difficult for businesses to operate efficiently and effectively.
  • Competition: The gambling or casino industry is a competitive industry. This can make it difficult for businesses to attract and retain customers.
  • Legal risks: Businesses that are involved in gambling or casino operations are exposed to a number of legal risks. These risks include the risk of being sued by customers who are unhappy with their experience, the risk of being fined or prosecuted by the government, and the risk of being shut down by the government.


    SIC Code 5047 is a broad classification code that includes a wide range of businesses that are involved in gambling or casino operations. Businesses that are classified under this code must comply with the laws and regulations that govern their industry. There are a number of benefits to being classified under SIC Code 5047, but there are also a number of challenges that businesses may face.


  • NAICS website
  • US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • State gambling regulators

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Discover the classification and importance of SIC Code 5047 for gambling or casino businesses, including how to find your code and the benefits and challenges associated with it.

