Casino Sic Code | May 2024 Update

Casino SIC Code: What It Is and How to Find It

The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for casinos is 7999. This code is used by the United States government to classify businesses for statistical purposes. Casinos are classified under this code because they are considered to be a form of amusement and recreation.

The SIC code for casinos can be used to find information about a particular casino, such as its annual revenue, number of employees, and location. It can also be used to compare casinos to each other and to see how the industry as a whole is doing.

To find the SIC code for a casino, you can use the following steps:

  1. Go to the United States Census Bureau website.

  2. Click on the “Industries” tab.

  3. Select “NAICS” from the list of options.

  4. Enter the name of the casino in the search bar.

  5. Click on the “Search” button.

    The results page will show the SIC code for the casino. You can also find the SIC code for a casino by looking up its business license. The business license will typically list the SIC code for the business.

    The SIC code for casinos is a useful tool for businesses and researchers. It can be used to track the performance of the casino industry and to compare casinos to each other.

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Discover the Casino SIC Code (7999) and how to find it using the United States Census Bureau website. Use this code to access information about a casino's revenue, employees, and location, as well as compare casinos and track industry performance.

