Jack Nicholson’s devilish trick was humiliating for Michael Keaton as actor earned 10x more than he did in Batman’s own movie

It’s hard to imagine anyone other than Michael Keaton donning the legendary cape and cowl in the iconic 1989 superhero film. Batman. And while that was a huge financial achievement for Warner Bros., Jack Nicholson’s success was a result of that Batman was probably even more impressive.

The Academy Award-winning actor had already achieved enormous fame before agreeing to play The Joker in Tim Burton’s film. Nicholson had a long list of critically acclaimed performances to his credit, including iconic roles in films such as One flew over the cuckoo’s nest, as best it could be, And Chinatown.

Batman Joker Jack Nicholson from 1989Batman Joker Jack Nicholson from 1989
Jack Nicholson as Joker, Batman (1989)

But did you know that when Tim Burton in 1989 Batman adjustment was proposed, was Nicholson in a good negotiating position? Surprisingly, even Michael Keaton as Batman himself didn’t make as much money as The Joker.

Source- Startefacts; Batman’s Featery

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