Ganon, Flamethrowers and More E3 Trailer Secrets

Well, it’s almost certain that Nintendo will change some elements of the original map for this sequel if they end up reusing elements of it, but it really looks like we’ll end up crossing some familiar locations in this game. Some fans are also speculating that this game will allow us to travel from location to location via air, similar to what we saw in Skyward Sword.

Breath of the Wild 2 Elements Trailer

What role do the elements play?

Each of the four elements gets a little time to shine in the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer. We already mentioned Link and his flamethrower, but there are also enemies that rise from the earth, a puddle that turns into a drop of water when it rises into the sky, and wind that clearly plays a role in Link’s air travel.

The elements were used in Breath of the Wild‘s combat, armor and setting, but this trailer suggests that the next Breath of the Wild game will feature them even more prominently.

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild 2 Trailer Backward Speech

More backward speech music?

By the end of the new Breath of the Wild 2 trailer, interrupts some really creepy music that used to be an elaborate montage of Link doing hero stuff. His alien nature clashes wildly with the other music in the trailer and most of the others Zelda spell.

At the moment, the popular theory is that this music is actually audio from someone speaking backwards. After all, Nintendo pulled a similar trick in the beginning Breath of the Wild trailer. It looks like no one has fully deciphered this part of the preview yet, but we’ll be very interested to hear what is actually said here if that is indeed what this audio should be.

Breath of the Wild 2 Trailer Left Arm

About halfway through the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer, the camera focuses on what we assume is Link’s arm and what we assume again is some sort of new glove that appears to be based on Sheikah technology. Interestingly enough there is a scene in the previous one Breath of the Wild 2 trailer in which Link’s arm is also seemingly consumed by similar energy.

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