Como Jugar Mancala | April 2024 Update

What is Mancala?

Mancala is a family of board games played with stones or seeds in two rows of pits. The goal of the game is to collect as many stones as possible in your own store. Mancala is believed to have originated in Africa over 2,000 years ago, and it is now played in many countries around the world.

How to Set Up Mancala

To set up Mancala, you will need a Mancala board and 48 stones or seeds. The Mancala board is a rectangular board with two rows of six pits each. The two rows are separated by a central store. To start the game, each player places four stones in each of their six pits.

How to Play Mancala

On your turn, you will pick up all of the stones from one of your pits and sow them clockwise, one stone in each pit. If you sow the last stone in your own store, you get an extra turn. If you sow the last stone in an empty pit on your opponent’s side of the board, you capture all of the stones in that pit and add them to your store. The game ends when one player has no stones left in their pits. The player with the most stones in their store wins.

Tips for Playing Mancala

  • Try to capture as many stones as possible from your opponent’s pits.
  • Keep track of how many stones are in each of your opponent’s pits.
  • If you have a choice of which pit to sow from, choose the one that will give you the most stones or the most captures.
  • Be careful not to sow the last stone in an empty pit on your opponent’s side of the board.

    Variations on Mancala

    There are many different variations on Mancala. Some of the most popular variations include:

  • Oware: This is the most common variation of Mancala. It is played with two rows of six pits each, and a central store.
  • Kalahari: This variation is played with three rows of four pits each.
  • Bawi: This variation is played with two rows of six pits each, and a central store. However, the stones are not captured when they land in an empty pit on your opponent’s side of the board.


    Mancala is a fun and challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is a great game for learning strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. If you are looking for a new game to add to your collection, I encourage you to give Mancala a try. Additional Resources

  • How to Play Mancala
  • Mancala Rules
  • Mancala Variations

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Learn how to play Mancala, a strategic board game originating from Africa. Collect stones, sow them clockwise, and capture your opponent's stones to win. Discover variations and tips to enhance your gameplay. Try Mancala for a fun and challenging gaming experience.

