Criminal Minds Fanfiction: Reid at the Casino | May 2024 Update

Criminal Minds Fanfiction: Reid at the Casino

The Setting

The casino is a seedy place, full of smoke and noise. The air is thick with the smell of alcohol and sweat, and the sound of slot machines ringing and people shouting fills the air. Reid stands at the edge of the crowd, watching the people play. He feels out of place here, but he’s come for a reason.

The Reason

Reid is looking for a killer. A few weeks ago, a woman was found dead in her hotel room after a night at the casino. The cause of death was a stab wound to the heart, and there were no witnesses. The police have been unable to identify a suspect, and they’re turning to Reid for help.

Reid’s Investigation

Reid starts by talking to the victim’s friends and family. He learns that she was a regular at the casino, and that she often gambled large sums of money. He also learns that she was involved in a number of affairs, and that she had a history of drug use.

Reid uses this information to build a profile of the killer. He believes that the killer is a man who is attracted to women who are vulnerable. He also believes that the killer is someone who is familiar with the casino and knows how to blend in.

The Killer Strikes Again

While Reid is investigating the case, another woman is found dead in her hotel room. The cause of death is the same as the first victim, and there are no witnesses.

Reid is now convinced that he’s dealing with a serial killer. He works with the police to create a task force, and they begin to track down the killer.

The Final Showdown

The task force eventually tracks down the killer to a hotel room at the casino. Reid and the other officers storm the room, and they find the killer holding a knife to the throat of a young woman.

Reid negotiates with the killer, and he eventually convinces him to release the woman. The killer is arrested, and he is later convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison.

The Aftermath

The case is over, but Reid is still haunted by the deaths of the two women. He knows that he could have done more to save them, and he vows to never let another killer get away.


“Criminal Minds Fanfiction: Reid at the Casino” is a story about a serial killer who preys on women at casinos. The story follows FBI agent Spencer Reid as he investigates the case and tracks down the killer. The story is full of suspense, action, and intrigue, and it will keep you guessing until the very end.

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Criminal Minds Fanfiction: Reid at the Casino. A thrilling story about a serial killer who preys on women at casinos.



criminal minds fanfiction reid casino