Why Do Casinos Pump Oxygen? | May 2024 Update

Why Do Casinos Pump Oxygen?

You may have noticed that casinos often have a noticeably higher level of oxygen than other indoor spaces. This is done intentionally, and there are a few reasons why.

1. To improve alertness and reduce fatigue

Oxygen is essential for the body to function properly. It helps to deliver nutrients to cells and remove waste products. When you are in a low-oxygen environment, your body has to work harder to get the oxygen it needs, which can lead to fatigue. In a casino, the increased level of oxygen helps to keep people feeling alert and energized. This can make them more likely to stay and play, which is good for business.

2. To improve mood

Oxygen has also been shown to have a positive effect on mood. Studies have shown that people who breathe in higher levels of oxygen report feeling more alert, focused, and happy. This can make them more likely to enjoy themselves while they are at the casino, which can also lead to them spending more money.

3. To reduce stress

When you are stressed, your body produces cortisol, a hormone that can lead to feelings of anxiety and fatigue. Oxygen can help to reduce cortisol levels, which can make you feel calmer and more relaxed. This can make it easier to enjoy yourself at the casino and can also help you to make better decisions when gambling.

4. To improve cognitive function

Oxygen is essential for brain function. It helps to deliver nutrients to the brain and remove waste products. When you are in a low-oxygen environment, your brain has to work harder to get the oxygen it needs, which can lead to impaired cognitive function. In a casino, the increased level of oxygen helps to keep people’s brains functioning at their best, which can make them more likely to make good decisions and win money.

5. To create a more enjoyable atmosphere

The increased level of oxygen in casinos can also create a more enjoyable atmosphere. People who breathe in higher levels of oxygen report feeling more relaxed and happy. This can make them more likely to enjoy themselves and spend more money.


There are a number of reasons why casinos pump oxygen. These reasons include improving alertness and reducing fatigue, improving mood, reducing stress, improving cognitive function, and creating a more enjoyable atmosphere. All of these factors can contribute to making casinos more profitable.

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Why Do Casinos Pump Oxygen? Learn the 5 reasons why casinos intentionally increase the oxygen level in their facilities to keep people feeling alert, energized, and happy.



why do casinos pump oxygen