Eagle Mountain Casino Age Limit | June 2024 Update

Eagle Mountain Casino Age Limit

What is the Eagle Mountain Casino age limit?

The Eagle Mountain Casino is a casino located in Eagle Mountain, Utah. The casino is owned and operated by the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. The casino has a variety of gaming options, including slots, table games, and a poker room. The casino also has a number of dining options, a spa, and a retail shop.

The Eagle Mountain Casino is open to adults 21 and over. This means that anyone under the age of 21 is not permitted to enter the casino. The casino has a strict policy of checking IDs at the door, and anyone who is caught trying to enter the casino underage will be turned away.

Why is the Eagle Mountain Casino age limit 21?

The Eagle Mountain Casino age limit is 21 for a number of reasons. First, the casino is located in Utah, which has a statewide minimum age of 21 for gambling. Second, the casino wants to create a safe and responsible environment for its guests. By setting the age limit at 21, the casino can help to ensure that its guests are of legal age to gamble and that they are not underage drinkers or gamblers.

What are the other age limits at the Eagle Mountain Casino?

In addition to the age limit for gambling, the Eagle Mountain Casino also has a number of other age limits. These include:

  • The age limit for the casino’s buffet is 12 and over.
  • The age limit for the casino’s pool is 18 and over.
  • The age limit for the casino’s spa is 18 and over.

What are the consequences of being under the age of 21 at the Eagle Mountain Casino?

Anyone who is caught trying to enter the Eagle Mountain Casino underage will be turned away. In addition, the casino may also take other disciplinary action, such as banning the individual from the casino for a period of time.

How can I verify my age at the Eagle Mountain Casino?

To verify your age at the Eagle Mountain Casino, you will need to show a valid form of identification. This can include a driver’s license, a passport, or a military ID. The identification must show your date of birth and your photo.

What if I do not have a valid form of identification?

If you do not have a valid form of identification, you will not be able to enter the Eagle Mountain Casino. You can either try to get a valid form of identification or you can try to enter the casino with someone who is 21 or over.


The Eagle Mountain Casino age limit is 21. This is for a number of reasons, including the state’s minimum age for gambling and the casino’s desire to create a safe and responsible environment for its guests. If you are under the age of 21, you will not be able to enter the casino.

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Learn the Eagle Mountain Casino age limit and other age limits for the casino's buffet, pool, and spa.



eagle mountain casino age limit