Can a Minor Go into a Casino with a Parent? | May 2024 Update

Can a Minor Go into a Casino with a Parent?

The Legality of Minors in Casinos

The legality of minors in casinos varies from state to state. In some states, it is legal for minors to enter casinos as long as they are accompanied by a parent or guardian. In other states, it is illegal for minors to enter casinos at all, regardless of whether they are accompanied by an adult.

The Age Requirements for Entering Casinos

The age requirements for entering casinos also vary from state to state. In most states, the minimum age for entering a casino is 21 years old. However, there are a few states where the minimum age is lower, such as 18 or 19 years old.

The Consequences of Minors Entering Casinos

If a minor is caught entering a casino, they may be subject to a number of consequences, including:

  • Being asked to leave the casino
  • Being banned from the casino
  • Being arrested and charged with trespassing
  • Being fined
  • Having their parents or guardians charged with child neglect

What Parents Should Do If Their Child Wants to Go to a Casino

If a parent is concerned about their child wanting to go to a casino, there are a few things they can do:

  • Talk to their child about the risks of gambling and the importance of being responsible with money.
  • Set limits on how much money their child can spend at the casino.
  • Make sure their child is supervised at all times while they are at the casino.
  • If their child is caught gambling, they should take them home immediately and talk to them about the consequences of their actions.


The decision of whether or not to allow a minor to enter a casino is a personal one. Parents should weigh the risks and benefits carefully before making a decision. If they decide to allow their child to enter a casino, they should make sure to take steps to protect their child from the risks of gambling.

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Can a minor go into a casino with a parent? Find out the legality of minors in casinos and the consequences of allowing them to enter.



can a minor go into a casino with a parent