Bingo Marker Chips: What You Need to Know | June 2024 Update

Bingo Marker Chips: What You Need to Know

Bingo marker chips are small, round pieces of plastic or metal that are used to mark numbers on a bingo card. They come in a variety of colors, so players can easily keep track of which numbers they have called. Bingo marker chips are an essential part of the game of bingo, and they can be purchased at most game stores or online retailers.

Types of Bingo Marker Chips

There are two main types of bingo marker chips: plastic and metal. Plastic bingo marker chips are lightweight and durable, and they are typically the most affordable option. Metal bingo marker chips are heavier and more durable than plastic chips, but they are also more expensive.

Size of Bingo Marker Chips

Bingo marker chips come in a variety of sizes, but the most common size is 1/2 inch in diameter. Smaller bingo marker chips are easier to handle, but they can be difficult to see from a distance. Larger bingo marker chips are easier to see, but they can be more difficult to handle.

Color of Bingo Marker Chips

Bingo marker chips come in a variety of colors, so players can easily keep track of which numbers they have called. The most common colors for bingo marker chips are red, blue, green, and yellow.

How to Use Bingo Marker Chips

To use bingo marker chips, simply place them on the numbers on your bingo card that you have called. If you call a number that is already covered by a bingo marker chip, you must remove the chip and place it on another number.

Bingo Marker Chip Storage

Bingo marker chips can be stored in a variety of ways. You can store them in a bingo chip holder, a small plastic bag, or a small box. If you are storing your bingo marker chips for a long period of time, it is important to keep them in a cool, dry place.

Bingo Marker Chip Safety

Bingo marker chips are small and can be a choking hazard for young children. It is important to keep bingo marker chips out of reach of children.


Bingo marker chips are an essential part of the game of bingo. They are available in a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes, so players can easily keep track of which numbers they have called. Bingo marker chips can be purchased at most game stores or online retailers.

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Learn about bingo marker chips, including types, sizes, colors, and how to use them.



bingo marker chips