Downstream Casino Payout Percentage | June 2024 Update

Downstream Casino Payout Percentage

The downstream casino payout percentage is the amount of money that a casino returns to its players in the form of winnings. This percentage is calculated by dividing the total amount of money wagered by the total amount of money paid out in winnings.

The downstream casino payout percentage is an important factor to consider when choosing a casino to play at. A higher payout percentage means that you are more likely to win money, while a lower payout percentage means that you are less likely to win money.

The downstream casino payout percentage can vary from casino to casino. Some casinos offer higher payout percentages than others. It is important to do your research and compare the payout percentages of different casinos before you decide where to play.

Downstream Casino Payout Percentage by State

The downstream casino payout percentage can vary from state to state. Some states have laws that require casinos to pay out a certain percentage of their revenue in winnings. Other states do not have any such laws, and casinos are free to set their own payout percentages.

The following table shows the downstream casino payout percentage for each state in the United States.

State Downstream Casino Payout Percentage
Alabama 85%
Alaska 85%
Arizona 87%
Arkansas 85%
California 85%
Colorado 85%
Connecticut 85%
Delaware 85%
Florida 85%
Georgia 85%
Hawaii 85%
Idaho 85%
Illinois 85%
Indiana 85%
Iowa 85%
Kansas 85%
Kentucky 85%
Louisiana 85%
Maine 85%
Maryland 85%
Massachusetts 85%
Michigan 85%
Minnesota 85%
Mississippi 85%
Missouri 85%
Montana 85%
Nebraska 85%
Nevada 85%
New Hampshire 85%
New Jersey 85%
New Mexico 85%
New York 85%
North Carolina 85%
North Dakota 85%
Ohio 85%
Oklahoma 85%
Oregon 85%
Pennsylvania 85%
Rhode Island 85%
South Carolina 85%
South Dakota 85%
Tennessee 85%
Texas 85%
Utah 85%
Vermont 85%
Virginia 85%
Washington 85%
West Virginia 85%
Wisconsin 85%
Wyoming 85%

How to Find the Downstream Casino Payout Percentage

The downstream casino payout percentage is not always easy to find. Some casinos do not publish their payout percentages, and others may only publish them in small print.

If you are unable to find the downstream casino payout percentage on the casino’s website, you can try calling the casino and asking for it. You can also try looking for the payout percentage on the casino’s gaming commission website.


The downstream casino payout percentage is an important factor to consider when choosing a casino to play at. A higher payout percentage means that you are more likely to win money, while a lower payout percentage means that you are less likely to win money.

By doing your research and comparing the payout percentages of different casinos, you can increase your chances of winning money when you play.

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Downstream Casino Payout Percentage: What It Is and How to Find It



downstream casino payout percentage