Why Are Casinos Cold? | May 2024 Update

Why Are Casinos Cold?

The History of Cold Casinos

The practice of keeping casinos cold dates back to the early days of Las Vegas. In the 1940s, casino owners discovered that they could increase profits by keeping their casinos cool, as this made people more likely to stay and gamble. The practice quickly caught on, and today, most casinos in the world are kept at a temperature of around 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

There are a few reasons why casinos are kept cold. First, cold air is denser than warm air, which means that it holds more oxygen. This can help to improve cognitive function and alertness, which can lead to increased gambling activity. Second, cold air can help to reduce the spread of germs, which is important in a setting where people are in close proximity to each other. Finally, cold air can simply be more comfortable for people to spend extended periods of time in.

The Effects of Cold Temperatures on Gambling

There is a significant body of research that suggests that cold temperatures can increase gambling activity. One study, published in the journal “Environment and Behavior,” found that people were more likely to gamble when they were exposed to cold temperatures. The study also found that people were more likely to make risky bets when they were cold.

Another study, published in the journal “Neuroscience,” found that cold temperatures can activate the brain’s reward circuitry. This circuitry is responsible for feelings of pleasure and excitement, and it is also involved in gambling behavior. The study suggests that cold temperatures may make people more likely to gamble in order to experience the pleasurable feelings that come with it.


There are a number of reasons why casinos are kept cold. Cold air can improve cognitive function, reduce the spread of germs, and simply be more comfortable for people to spend extended periods of time in. Additionally, cold temperatures can increase gambling activity by activating the brain’s reward circuitry.

If you are planning on visiting a casino, be prepared for the cold temperatures. You may want to dress in layers so that you can adjust to the temperature as needed. You may also want to bring a sweater or jacket to wear if you get too cold.

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Why Are Casinos Cold? Learn the history and science behind the practice of keeping casinos cool, and how it can affect your gambling behavior.



why are casinos cold