House Edge Casino Games | June 2024 Update

House Edge Casino Games

The house edge is the percentage of money that a casino expects to win from a particular game. It is calculated by taking the casino’s profit from the game and dividing it by the total amount of money wagered. The house edge is an important factor to consider when choosing which casino games to play, as it can have a significant impact on your long-term profitability.

Types of House Edge Casino Games

There are a variety of different casino games, each with its own unique house edge. Some of the most common types of house edge casino games include:

  • Slots. The house edge on slots can vary significantly from game to game, but it typically ranges from around 2% to 10%.
  • Blackjack. The house edge on blackjack is typically around 0.5% to 1%, but it can be reduced to as low as 0.2% if you use the correct strategy.
  • Roulette. The house edge on roulette varies depending on the type of roulette wheel used. The American roulette wheel has a house edge of 5.26%, while the European roulette wheel has a house edge of 2.70%.
  • Craps. The house edge on craps can vary depending on the bets you make. The most common bets have a house edge of around 1.4%, but some bets can have a house edge of up to 16.67%.
  • Baccarat. The house edge on baccarat is typically around 1.06%.

How to Minimize the House Edge

The best way to minimize the house edge is to choose games with a low house edge. You can also reduce the house edge by using the correct strategy, such as in blackjack.


The house edge is an important factor to consider when choosing which casino games to play. By understanding the different types of house edge casino games and how to minimize the house edge, you can increase your chances of winning money.

How to Calculate the House Edge

The house edge is calculated by taking the casino’s profit from the game and dividing it by the total amount of money wagered. The formula for calculating the house edge is as follows:

House Edge = (Casino Profit / Total Wagers) * 100%

For example, if a casino makes $100 in profit from a game that was played for $1,000, the house edge would be 10%.

Factors Affecting the House Edge

The house edge can vary significantly from game to game. Some of the factors that affect the house edge include:

  • The rules of the game. The rules of the game can have a significant impact on the house edge. For example, the house edge on blackjack is typically lower than the house edge on roulette.
  • The odds of winning. The odds of winning a particular game also affect the house edge. For example, the house edge on a slot machine with a 50/50 chance of winning is higher than the house edge on a slot machine with a 90/10 chance of winning.
  • The amount of money wagered. The amount of money wagered also affects the house edge. The house edge is typically higher for smaller bets than it is for larger bets.

Strategies for Minimizing the House Edge

There are a few things you can do to minimize the house edge when playing casino games. These include:

  • Choose games with a low house edge. The best way to minimize the house edge is to choose games with a low house edge. Some of the best games to play include blackjack, baccarat, and craps.
  • Use the correct strategy. You can also reduce the house edge by using the correct strategy. For example, in blackjack, you can reduce the house edge to as low as 0.5% by using the basic strategy.
  • Bet small. The house edge is typically higher for smaller bets than it is for larger bets. So, if you want to minimize the house edge, you should bet small.


The house edge is an important factor to consider when choosing which casino games to play. By understanding the different types of house edge casino games and how to minimize the house edge, you can increase your chances of winning money.

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Learn about the house edge in casino games and how to minimize it to increase your chances of winning.



house edge casino games