How to Scope Out the Diamond Casino in GTA Online | June 2024 Update

How to Scope Out the Diamond Casino in GTA Online

The Diamond Casino is one of the most popular locations in GTA Online, and for good reason. It’s a luxurious, high-stakes gambling hotspot where players can win big or lose everything. But before you can start gambling, you need to scope out the casino.

What is Scoping Out the Casino?

Scoping out the casino is a mission that you need to complete in order to access the Diamond Casino Heist. During this mission, you’ll need to gather intel on the casino’s security systems, layout, and staff. This information will help you plan your heist and make sure that you have the best chance of success.

How to Scope Out the Casino

To scope out the casino, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Get a High-End Apartment

The first step to scoping out the casino is to purchase a high-end apartment. This will give you access to a planning room, where you can plan your heist.

  1. Start the Mission

Once you have a high-end apartment, you can start the mission by going to the Interaction Menu and selecting “Heists.” From there, select “The Diamond Casino Heist” and then “Scope Out the Casino.”

  1. Enter the Casino

The first thing you need to do is enter the casino. You can do this by either driving up to the front entrance or by using a helicopter to land on the roof.

  1. Gather Intel

Once you’re inside the casino, you’ll need to gather intel on the security systems, layout, and staff. You can do this by interacting with various objects in the casino, such as security cameras, computers, and staff members.

  1. Complete the Mission

Once you’ve gathered all of the intel you need, you’ll need to complete the mission by escaping the casino. You can do this by either stealing a car or by using a helicopter to escape.

Tips for Scoping Out the Casino

Here are a few tips for scoping out the casino:

  • Be careful not to be seen by security guards. If you’re caught by a security guard, you’ll be kicked out of the casino and the mission will fail.
  • Use stealth to your advantage. You can use stealth to avoid being seen by security guards and to gather intel on the casino.
  • Take your time. There’s no need to rush through the mission. Take your time and gather as much intel as you can.

Rewards for Scoping Out the Casino

Once you’ve completed the mission, you’ll be rewarded with the following:

  • $25,000
  • A new disguise
  • Access to the planning room in your high-end apartment


Scoping out the casino is an important part of the Diamond Casino Heist. By gathering intel on the casino’s security systems, layout, and staff, you’ll be able to plan your heist and make sure that you have the best chance of success.

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How to Scope Out the Diamond Casino in GTA Online | Gather intel on the casino's security systems, layout, and staff to plan your heist.



diamond casino scope out