When Will Two Kings Casino Be Completed? | June 2024 Update

When Will Two Kings Casino Be Completed?

Two Kings Casino is a proposed casino resort in Fresno, California. The casino is being developed by the Tejon Indian Tribe, and it is expected to create over 3,000 jobs and generate over $1 billion in annual revenue.

The casino is currently in the planning stages, and it is expected to be completed in 2024. The casino will feature a variety of amenities, including a hotel, a spa, a golf course, and a variety of restaurants.

The casino is expected to have a significant impact on the economy of Fresno County. The casino is expected to attract visitors from all over the region, and it is expected to boost tourism and economic development.

Timeline for Two Kings Casino

The timeline for the construction of Two Kings Casino is as follows:

  • 2022: The Tejon Indian Tribe will submit a gaming compact to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
  • 2023: The BIA will review the gaming compact and approve it if it meets all of the requirements.
  • 2024: Construction on the casino will begin.
  • 2026: The casino is expected to be completed.

Benefits of Two Kings Casino

The construction of Two Kings Casino is expected to have a number of benefits for the Fresno area, including:

  • Job creation: The casino is expected to create over 3,000 jobs during construction and operation.
  • Economic development: The casino is expected to generate over $1 billion in annual revenue, which will benefit the local economy.
  • Tourism: The casino is expected to attract visitors from all over the region, which will boost tourism and economic development.
  • Revenue: The casino will generate revenue for the Tejon Indian Tribe, which can be used to fund tribal programs and services.

Opponents of Two Kings Casino

There are some opponents of the Two Kings Casino, including:

  • Some local residents: Some local residents are concerned about the impact that the casino will have on their community. They are concerned about traffic congestion, crime, and the negative effects that the casino could have on the local environment.
  • Some environmental groups: Some environmental groups are concerned about the impact that the casino will have on the environment. They are concerned about the casino’s water usage and its potential impact on wildlife.


The construction of Two Kings Casino is a controversial project with both supporters and opponents. However, the casino is expected to have a significant impact on the economy of Fresno County. The casino is expected to create jobs, generate revenue, and boost tourism. It is also expected to benefit the Tejon Indian Tribe.

The timeline for the construction of Two Kings Casino is as follows:

  • 2022: The Tejon Indian Tribe will submit a gaming compact to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).
  • 2023: The BIA will review the gaming compact and approve it if it meets all of the requirements.
  • 2024: Construction on the casino will begin.
  • 2026: The casino is expected to be completed.

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When Will Two Kings Casino Be Completed? The casino is expected to be completed in 2026.



when will two kings casino be completed