12 Vs 2 Blackjack | May 2024 Update

12 vs 2 Blackjack: Which is Better?

When it comes to blackjack, there are two main types of hands that you can be dealt: a 12 and a 2. Both hands have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the best way to decide which one to play depends on the specific circumstances of the game.

12 vs 2: The Basics

A 12 in blackjack is a relatively strong hand, as it is only one point away from a blackjack (which is a natural 21). However, a 2 is a very weak hand, as it is only two points away from busting (going over 21). As a result, the basic strategy for playing a 12 vs 2 is to hit on the 12 and stand on the 2. This is because, if you hit on the 12, you are more likely to improve your hand to a blackjack or a higher-value hand than if you stand on the 2. However, there are some exceptions to this basic strategy. For example, if you are playing in a blackjack game with a dealer’s blackjack that pays 6:5, you may want to consider standing on a 12 against a dealer’s 2, as you will only lose half of your bet if the dealer hits their blackjack.

12 vs 2: The Pros and Cons

There are a number of pros and cons to both playing a 12 and playing a 2 in blackjack. Pros of playing a 12

  • A 12 is a relatively strong hand, as it is only one point away from a blackjack.
  • If you hit on a 12, you are more likely to improve your hand to a blackjack or a higher-value hand than if you stand on a 2.
  • If you are playing in a blackjack game with a dealer’s blackjack that pays 6:5, you may want to consider standing on a 12 against a dealer’s 2, as you will only lose half of your bet if the dealer hits their blackjack. Cons of playing a 12
  • A 12 is a relatively high-value hand, so you will lose more money if you bust (go over 21).
  • If you hit on a 12 and do not improve your hand, you may end up with a lower-value hand than if you had stood on the 2. Pros of playing a 2
  • A 2 is a very weak hand, so you are less likely to bust (go over 21).
  • If you stand on a 2, you will only lose your original bet if the dealer hits their blackjack. Cons of playing a 2
  • A 2 is a very weak hand, so you are more likely to have a low-value hand than if you had played a 12.
  • If you stand on a 2 and the dealer does not hit their blackjack, you will lose your original bet.

    12 vs 2: Which is Better?

    The best way to decide whether to play a 12 or a 2 in blackjack is to consider the specific circumstances of the game. If you are playing in a blackjack game with a dealer’s blackjack that pays 6:5, you may want to consider standing on a 12 against a dealer’s 2. However, if you are playing in a blackjack game with a standard blackjack payout (3:2), you should generally hit on a 12 and stand on a 2. Ultimately, the decision of whether to play a 12 or a 2 is a personal one, and there is no right or wrong answer. However, by understanding the pros and cons of both hands, you can make an informed decision that is best for your playing style.

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Discover the pros and cons of playing a 12 vs 2 in blackjack and determine which hand is better for you. Understand the basic strategy, advantages, and disadvantages to make an informed decision. Play smart and enhance your chances of winning in 12 vs 2 blackjack.

